Evince package for IT2006
Yay! Just finished another port. It's Evince, the GNOME Document Viewer. This version only supports viewing PDF, TIFF and image files.
If you got interested, add the following entry to your application catalog:
Web Address: http://bgran.net/etrunko/apt
Distribution: mistral
Components: user
The package also needs libglade, which can be found in maemo oficial repository:
Web Address: http://repository.maemo.org
Distribution: mistral
Components: free non-free

P.S.: I could not upload the packages to maemo.org.br repository. Maybe the service is down. I'll try to do it tomorrow.
Are you planning to add DJV support in the future?
Can you rotate the screen like FBReader does? That'd be a nice option.
keep the good work!
The option to rotate the document is available in the menu -> Edit -> Rotate Left|Right.
thank you very much :-)
Really, the Nokia 770 has no support for DJVU format. It would be nice if Evince port will support DJVU.
Thanks for your work.
DJVU support is coming!!
From where can I get? None of the repositories works for me...
You need to add both repositories to your application catalog.
Regards, Etrunko
I did so! But unfortunately I have error trying to refresh packages - I checked adress and passwords...
To diagnose the problem better, please install the osso-xterm and run the following commands:
$ sudo /usr/sbin/gainroot
# apt-get update
You can also install it from there. Just run (as root)
# apt-get install evince
Regards, Etrunko
Everythink is just fine, but it asks me about password and I do not have any, so I stuck there
Sorry about my silly questions, but I'm just "saloon" linux user
It seems you don't have root access enabled in your device. There are some pages in the maemo wiki related to this.
Search for "become root" and you'll get a couple of ways to do it.
Regards, Etrunko.
Thanks, I'm working on it
I have a small problem with evince:
When i start it from the Program-Menu it crashes very often when i open a pdf.
But when i start it from xterm it works fine.
Oh and one more thing:
If the PDF has a big image (like a image of the book on the first page) its getting so terribly slow that you are lucky if you get control over your nokia back after 5 minutes :-(
No, now it just reboots :-(
Little question: is there a way (using Evince) to read a PDF without needing to scroll horizontally, back and forth, back and forth, to read a page?
I'm tring a Nokia 770, which I will buy mainly for reading documentation...
(and for porting unuseful software... I'm a geek :D)
But the main reason will be the reading of documentation which is available as PDF...
But back and forth is good for sex, not for reading! :D
Hi Shamar,
Let me see if I understood your question. You may want to view the whole page in the screen isn't it? Actually you can rotate the document 90 degrees and then activate "Presentation Mode" to get the expected results.
Best Regards, Etrunko.
Thanks for the rapid reply! :D
No, the problem is that viewing documentation like this the zoomed to become readable, the default PDF viewer needs the orizontal rule.
In other word I need to read the contents of the pdf, without all the format information which the pdf has for the printing.
I need to read contents easily...
For example for reading the http://perens.com/Books/
Hi Shamar,
I could read this document in fullscreen mode almost comfortably. The good thing about Evince is it stores the page you were when you decided to close it. So when you open that document again, it will start in the page you stopped.
In other hand, the bad thing about it is *very* hungry in terms of memory comsuption. The HUGE postgree SQL documentation you pointed causes device to boot by lack of memory even having 16 MB of swap enabled in my memory card.
I think if you have other not-so-heavy-documents they can be read perfectly with Evince. The best option it to try it before you buy a device.
Best Regards, Etrunko.
HELP! I cant instal Evince to my Nokia 770. I updated to 2006. Still, dont know how to install libglade and some other packages!
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