Broken pipe
It's been a while since a faucet in one of the restrooms of our office is broken. The water won't stop flowing until you pull the button up. Someone has had the brilliant idea to warn people about it:
It's been a while since a faucet in one of the restrooms of our office is broken. The water won't stop flowing until you pull the button up. Someone has had the brilliant idea to warn people about it:
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I'm quite often asked for screen shots of applications running on maemo, specially that ones I ported. In most of the cases, my bosses want to use them in presentations, but I always lose those images somehow. So every time I'm asked for them, I lose time searching for the old screen shots until I realize I've lost them and even more time taking/sending the images to whoever asked.
Tired of losing so much time, I've decided to reactivate my flickr account and use it for something a little bit more useful, satisfying mine needs and also my bosses. I've organized all screen shots in this photo set. Now, the next time I'm asked, all I have to do is to send this link and everybody is happy ever after.
I've also joined the maemo group on flickr and uploaded the shots there. It also worth saying that setting image descriptions/applying tags/uploading was very much easier using Ross' Postr. Really nice piece of software.
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Following the previous post about the Maemo SDK VMWare appliance, Marcelo has successfully converted the vmware image to a Qemu image. The good news here is we save almost 2 GB with this new image. The bad news is you'll probably need to set up Kqemu to get an acceptable performance.
So, to convert the vmware image to a qemu one, just run the following command:
$ qemu-img convert -c -f vmdk maemo-sdk.vmdk -O qcow maemo-sdk-2.qcow
qemu -boot c -hda maemo-sdk.qcow -localtime
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After a couple weeks of hard work, Marcelo (aka setanta) has successfully set up a VMWare Appliance for Maemo SDK. It's based on Xubuntu 7.04 and ships only the Maemo 3.1 (bora) targets. Gregale version (2.2) was not included in order to save some disk space.
Marcelo has also submitted a project in maemo garage. While it is not approved, you can download it from here.
Update: The project has been approved in maemo garage. Go for it!
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